
Prof (Dr.) A. Aruna Shanthaarchchi
- Department of Economics and Statistics – Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka
- South Asian Region – Asian Development Bank (ADB)
- Staff Development Center – SUSL
- SLJESIM – Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka
- PhD ( Business Economics), 2013, School of Economics and Finance, Northern University of Malaysia.
- MSSc ( Economics) 2007, University of Kelaniya
- MSc (Environmental Economics), 1996, University of Peradeniya
- Post Gradute Diploma ( Agricultural Economics) 1994. University of Peradeniya
- B.A (Hons, Economics) 1990 , University of Kelaniya.
- 2003: Accredited as a Teacher in High Education, Staff Education and Development Association (SEDA), U.K
- 2003: Certificate in Teaching in Higher Education, The Staff Development Centre, University of Colombo
- 2001: Certificate in Teaching Methods, The Staff Development Centre, University of Peradeniya,
- 1998: Certificate in Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation. Institute for Participatory Interaction Development, Netherland,
- Socio-Economic, Environmental and Institutional Impact Assessment, Feasibility Studies, Irrigation and Water Resource Management, Socio-Economic Studies/Surveys, Baseline Studies
- Business/Managerial Economics, Project Evaluation and Management, Operatonal Research and Environmental Economics.
- Best Innovative Paper Award, Presented at Bangkok Annual Business and Social Science Research Conferences, 2016
- Selected as the Outstanding Researcher 2013 in Recognition of the Research Excellence in the Field of Economics – SUSL
- Awared for Excellence in Research, 2013, School of Economics , Northern University of Malaysia.
- NORAD AWARD to participate in discussions related to MONDEP Formative Process Research Project and present a paper on the “The Impact of Effective Community Governance on Business Performance Among Rural Communities: The case of Farmer Organization in Sri Lanka”, Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research, “2nd April 2012 to 10th April 2012 , Oslo, Norway.
- SAARC AWARD to function as an Independent Expert for the preparation of SAARC Regional Poverty Profile 2009-10: Food security challenges for the poor and social inclusion, 2010-2011.
- 2014 to date – Head, Senior Lecturer G. 1 , Department of Economics and Statistics
- 2007 – 2013 – Senior Lecturer Grade 11, Department of Economics and Statistics
- 2000- 2007 – Probationary Lecturer , Department of Economics and Statistics
- 1998 – 2000 – Economist , Asian Development Bank, Colombo Branch
- 1991 – 1998 – Economist, Mahaweli Authority of Sri Lankla.
- 2017: The Summer School in Water Resource Management for Sustainable Agriculture, August 20 – 03 September, 2017, Hotel Europe, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Park Hystt, Milano, Italy, Organized by the World Bank and IRDC
- 2016: The Summer School in Post-Consumer Plastic and Polythene Recycling process, April 18 -29, 2016, The, Washington Hilton, Adams Morgan, Washington, DC, United States, Organized by World Bank.
- 2015: The Summer School in Environment and Resource Economics organized by the South Asian Network for Development and Environmental Economics (SANDE) from July 4-10, 2015 in Club Hotel Dolphin, South Africa.
- 2014: The training Course on Environmental Valuation Method: National University, Male, Organized by the South Asian Network for Development and Environmental Economics (SANDEE) September 15-18, 2014 at National University Male, the republic of Maldives.
- 2009: The Training Course on Application of SPSS for Windows, Organized by Institute for Population and Social Research (IPSR), Mahidol University, Thailand.
- 2009: The Workshop on English Technical Writing Training, Conducted under the Improving Relevance and Quality of Undergraduate Education (IRQUE) project of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Languages, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka.
- 2008: The Training Programme on An Academic as a Counselor, Conducted under the Improving Relevance and Quality of Undergraduate Education (IRQUE) project of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Languages, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka.
- 2004: Training Programme on Social Harmony Component in Higher Education, conducted by University Grants Commission and Centre for Conflict Studies, Utrecht University, held in Kandalama, U.K.
- 2003: Training Programme on Social Harmony Component in Higher Education, conducted by University Grand Commission and Centre for Conflict Studies, Utrecht University, held in Kandy, Sri Lanka.
- 2001: Training Programme on Training of trainers on Social Communication in Youth Work, organized by Sri Lanka Foundation Institute, Colombo.
- 2000: Training Programme on Introduction of Entrepreneurship Development in to TVET sector, Conducted by UNDP,-Colombo.
- 1998: Training Programme in Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation, Conducted by Promoting Multifunctional household Environmental Project, Netherland.
- 1996: Training Programme on career development issues and suggestion for young social scientists, Conducted by SLAAS.
- 1995:Trained on Integrating Environment and Development Planning at the Sectoral and Project levels, Conducted by the Natural Resources and Environmental Policy Project ,(NAREPP).
- 2014 – to – date – Head of the Department – Economics and Statistics
- 2008-2010 Coordinator of the IRQUE project (QEF Batch-3), faculty of Social Sciences and Languages.
- 2015 – 2016 – Co Editor – Sabaragamuwa University Journal
- 2015-2016 Coordinating Editor, of the News Letter, Sabaragamuwa University.
- 2016 – to-date – Editor in Chief – Sabaragamuwa University Journal
- 2015 – to-date Chairman -Board of Study -Faculty of Social Sciences – Open and Distance Learniing -SUSL
- 2016 – to date – Chairman – Curriculam Revision Committee,
- 2017 – Co Chair- International Research Conference – SUSL
- World Bank. Asian Development Bank (ADB), International Rice Research Institute (IRRI). International Water Management Institute (IWMI), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), World Health Organization (WHO), Norwegian Institute of Urban & Regional Research (NIBR), Oxfam America, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), International Labour Organization (ILO), Rockefeller Foundation, Acid Survival Trust International (ASTI).
- A. Aruna Shantha (2017) “ The impact of Effective Community Governance on Business Performance Among Rural Communities: The case of Farmer Organization in Sri Lanka” American Law and Economic Review, (ISSN 1991-8178) Volume.3, Issu.1, 2017 January.(Indexed in Social Sciences Citation)
- A. Aruna Shantha (2016) “ The Impact of Uneven Access to water on Divergency of Income among Paddy Farming in the Dry Zone of Sri Lanka” Australian Academy of Business and Economic Review, (ISSN 2205 – 6726)
- A. Aruna Shantha (2015) “Technical Efficiency of Small Scale Vegetable Growers in Sri Lanka: A Comparison of Parametric and Non-parametric Approach” Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, (ISSN 2421-3118) Volume.3, Issu.1, 2015 January. (Indexed in Scopus Citation).
- A. Aruna Shantha (2015) “The Environmental Consequences of Post-Consumer plastic and Polytheen : Sri Lankan Experiences ” Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics, (ISSN 4421-3013) Volume.4, Issu.2, 2015 January. (Indexed in Thomson Reuters Citation).
- A. Aruna Shantha (2014) “ The impact of Entrepreneurial Self Efficiency and enabling Business Environmental on Business Performance of Female-led Handicraft Manufacturing SME in Sri Lanka” Australian Journal of Basic & Applied Science, (ISSN 1991-8178) Volume.8, Issu.1, 2014 January.(ISI Indexed)
- A. Aruna Shantha (2014) “ Pricing Economic Value of Organic Rice Under Dichotomous Choice Framework: An Environmental Perspective Vo.2 no.2, Kalaniya Journal of Management, University of Kelaniya
- A. Aruna Shantha (2014) “Charity Begins at Home: Gained Experiences in Summer Gardening Contributing Lessons Learned to the Urban Society” Volume 05, Issue 02, Wayamba Journal of Management.
- A. Aruna Shantha (2013) “Technical Efficiency of Paddy Farming under Minor irrigation Condition in the Dry-Zone of Sri Lanka: A parametric Approach” Australian Journal of Basic & Applied Science, (ISSN 1991-8178) Volume.7, Issu.5, 2013, April.(ISI Indexed)
- A.Aruna Shantha, (2013) “Income Inequality of Major Irrigation Schemes in Sri Lanka: Gini Decomposition Approach” International Journal of Business Economics and Law, (ISSN 2289-1552) Vol. 2, Issue.2, 2013.
- A. Aruna Shantha (2013) “ Impact of Large Scale Irrigation Schemes on Poverty Alleviation in the Dry-zone of Sri Lanka” South East Asia Journal of Contemporary Business, Economics and Law (ISSN 2289-1560), Vol.2, Issu.2.
- A. Aruna Shantha (2013) “ Pricing Ecological beauty under Dichotomous Choice framework:Tha Case of Taman Negara National Park in Malaysia” Journal of Sabaragamuwa University ,(ISS 1391-3166), Vol.10, Issu.1, 2013
- A Aruna Shantha, (2013) “An Inquiry of Skill Mismatch Hypothesis: Emperical Evidence from Sri Lanka” Prof. Atapattu Felicitation Volume, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka.
- A. Aruna Shantha (2012) “Efficiency and managerial Ability of Paddy Farming under Manor Irrigation Condition: A Frontier Production Function Approach” International Journal of Agricultural Science (ISSN 1391 – 9318), Vol.7, Issu.3.
- A. Aruna Shantha, (2013) “Pricing of Irrigation Water according to the Dichotomous Framework: A case Study of Sri Lanka’s Large-Scale Irrigation Schemes” Journal of Agricultural Science (ISSN 1391 – 9318), Vol.9, Issu.2.
- A. Aruna Shantha, (1999) “ Local Rice Production, Future Planning and Strategies” Giraga Academic Magazine, Faculty of Social Sciences and lanquages, Sabaragamuwa University, (ISSN 1391-4952) Vol.1, Issu.1.
- A.Aruna Shantha, (2013) “Income Inequality of Major Irrigation Schemes in Sri Lanka: Gini Decomposition Approach” Kuala Lumpur International Business, Economic and Low Conference 2013.
- A. Aruna Shantha (2013) “Impact of Large Scale Irrigation Schemes on Poverty Alleviation in the Dry-zone of Sri Lanka, Kuala Lumpur International Business, Economic and Low Conference 2013.
- A. Aruna Shantha (2013), “Resource use Efficiency of Small Scale Furniture Industry in Sri Lanka: A Stochastic Frontier Production Function Approach. 2nd International Conference on Management and Economics, Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka.
- A. Aruna Shantha (2013)“ The Impact of Effective Community Governance on Business Performance Among Rural Communities: The Case of Farmer Organization in Sri Lanka” The International Symposium on Community Governance Practices, Organized by CARE International, Practical Action and the Deparement of Economics, University of Sri Jayawardanapura.
- A. Aruna Shantha (2011), The Impact of Uneven Allocation of Irrigation Water on Dynamics of Agribusiness and income Inequality: The Case of Mahaweli Development Project, Sri Lanka.8th International Conference on Business Management ICBM, Sri -Jayawardanapura University, Colombo-Sri Lanka.
- A. Aruna Shantha (2011) Technical Efficiency in Stochastic Frontier Production Model: A Case Study on Irrigated Paddy Farming Under Village Tanks in Sri Lanka. 8th International Conference on Business Management ICBM2011, Sri Jayawardanapura University, Colombo-Sri Lanka.
- A. Aruna Shanth (2011), The Impact of Free irrigation Water on Dynamics of Income Inequality and Rural Poverty – The Case of Mahaweli Development Project in Sri Lanka, International Conference on Rural Development and Entrepreneur, University Utara Malaysia.
- A. Aruna Shantha (2013) “Efficiency and Managerial Ability of Paddy Farming Under Minor Irrigation Conditions: A Frontier Production Function Approach”, 4th International Symposium, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka.
- A. Aruna Shantha (2013) “Pricing Scenic Beauty under Dichotomous Choice Framework: The Case of Taman Negara National Park in Malaysia”, 4th International Symposium, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka.
- A. Aruna Shantha (2011) “Pricing Nature based Activities at Taman Negara national Park in Malaysia: A Dichotomous Choice Framework”, International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna.
- A. Aruna Shantha (2011) “ Stochastic Frontier Production Function and Technical Efficiency of Head-end and Tail-end farmers- A case study on Irrigated Paddy Farming” International Management Conference, USZA, Malaysia.
- A. Aruna Shantha, (2011) “Resource Use Efficiency in Paddy Farming under Village Tanks” International Research conference on Modern Trends in Innovative Management (MIIM) , Faculty of Management Studies, Ragarata University of Sri Lanka.
- A. Aruna Shantha (2011) “Economic value of Irrigation Water: The case of Huruluwewa Irrigation Schemes in Sri Lanka” 7th International Conference, Inter-University Cooperation Program, Organized by University of Kelaniya and Chiangrai Rajabhat University, Thailand.
- A. Aruna Shantha (2011) “Poverty and Inequality among Major & Minor Irrigation Projects in Sri Lanka: Gini decomposition Aproach” 7th International Conference, Inter-University Cooperation Program, Organized by University of Kelaniya and Chiangrai Rajabhat University, Thailand.
- A. Aruna Shantha, (2007) ”Mismatching Strategies lead to Unemployment – Based on Sri Lankan Experiences, Annual Symposium 2007, Faculty of Social Sciences and Languages, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka
- A. Aruna Shantha, (2007) ” Production Efficiency of Irrigated Paddy Farming – a Frontier Production Function Approach”, Annual Symposium, Faculty of Social Sciences and Languages 2007, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka.
- A. Aruna Shantha, (2006) “ Determining Various Cropping Patterns to Maximized Profit through Diversification of Crops subject to Technical and resources Constraints (With Special Reference to Mahaweli System-B)” 2006, International Symposium, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka.
- A. Aruna Shantha,”Meeting the Challenges in the new Millennium through Quality Circles” 2000: An Experience at the Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, Presented at the National Convention on Quality, Colombo.
- A. Aruna Shantha “ The Impact of Entrepreneurial self-Efficiency and Enabling Business Environment on Business Performance of Female-Led Handicraft manufacturing SMEs in Sri Lanka” A Policy and Practitioner-oriented Conference, Asian Institute of Management Policy center, Philippines.
- A. Aruna Shantha “Resource use Efficiency of Small and Medium scale handicraft Entrepreneurs in Sri Lanka: A stochastic frontier Production Function Approach”, The 2nd International Conference on Rural Development & Entrepreneurship (ICORE 2013), Organized by University Utara Malaysia in Jave, Indonesia.
- A. Aruna Shantha “ Inefficiency Losses of Small-scale Ric Farms in the Dry-Zone of Sri Lanka: A Parametric Approach” The 8th International Research Conference on Management and Finance, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka
- A. Aruna Shantha “ Technical and Allocative Efficiency of Small Scale vegitable Growers in Sri Lanka: A Comparison of Parametric and Non-parametric Approach” 4th Internationan Conference on Business and Information (ICBI 2013), Faculty of Management, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.
- A. Aruna Shantha “ The Impact of Irrigation Inequalities on Dynamic of technical and Allocative Efficiency of Small-scale Rice Growers: The case of Large-Scale Irrigation Schemes in Sri Lanka”, The 2nd International Conference on Social Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya.
- A. Aruna Shantha, Socio-Economic, Institutional and Environmental Impact Assessment of North East Local Service Improvement Project, Funded by World Bank, 2017.
- A.Aruna Shantha, Baseline Survey for North East Local Services Improvement Project (NELSIP), Funded by World Bank, 2016/2017
- A. Aruna Shantha, Environmental Impact Assessment for Township Development Project in Nuwaraeliya Municipal Council, funded by Ocean View Development Company.2017
- A. Aruna Shantha, The Impact of Tax Reformation on Iron/Ferrous scrap Industry in Sri Lanka, 2016, Funded by Central Environmental Authority
- A. Aruna Shantha, The Economic and Social Consequences of Post-Consumer Plastic Waste Management, 2016, Funded by Central Environmental Authority.
- A. Aruna Shantha, Citizen’s Engagement in the Budgetary Process, Participatory Approach for Budgetory Process, 2017, Funded by Ministry of Finance.
- Chief Consultant, Socio-Economic, Institutional and Environmental Impact Assessment of (NELSIP), Funded by World Bank , 2017
- Team Leader/ Principle Researcher, Baseline Survey for North East Local Services Improvement Project (NELSIP), Funded by World Bank, 2016/2017
- Priciple Researcher , Socio-Economic Impact Assessment of CKDu in the Dry-Zone of Sri Lanka, Fundede by UGC, 2016 -to-date
- Principle Researcher, Environmental Impact Assessment for Township Development Project in Nuwaraeliya Municipal Council, funded by Ocean View Development Company.2017
- Principle Researcher, The Impact of Tax Reformation on Iron/Ferrous scrap Industry in Sri Lanka, 2016, Funded by Central Environmental Authority
- Principle Researcher, The Economic and Social Cosequences of Post-Consumer Plastic Waste Management, 2016, Funded by Central Environmental Authority.
- Principle Researcher, Citizen’s Engagement in the Budgetary Process, Participatory Approach for Budgetory Process, 2017, Funded by Ministry of Finance.
Period: August, 2014 to March, 2015
Project: National Highways Development Project./ADB Project.
Position: Team Leader/Statistical Analyst (Resettlement: Inventory of losses & Socio-Economic Survey.)
Employer: Beca International Consultants Ltd, 40/5A,Perera Mawatha,Pelawatta,Battaramulla. T.P.011-2784111.
Period: August, 2006 to March, 2007
Project: Moragahakanda Development Project.
Position: Team Leader/Statistical Analyst, Socio-economic Survey.
Employer: Mahaweli Authority of Sri Lanka, No 500, T, B Jayah Mawathe Colombo- 10
Period: June, 2005 to July 2005
Project: Secondary Town & Rural Community Based Water Supply & Sanitation Project.
Position: Team Leader/Statistical Analyst (Baseline Socio-Economic Survey)
Employer: Infotechs (IDEAS), Pvt Limited, 23/1, Jaya Road, Colombo 4.
Period: February, 2004 to May,2004
Project: Feasibility Study of Kalu Ganga Development Project. (Resettlement Aspects)
Position: Team Leader/Statistical Alalyst (Resettlement and Socio-Economic Survey)
Employer: Lahmeyer International, Germany. – associated with Central Engineering Consultancy Bureau, Colombo. T.P. 011-2506855.
Period: Oct, 2004 to Dec.,2004
Project: Feasibility Study of Storm Water Drainage Project at Minuwangoda. (ADB funded Project)
Position: Economist/Statistical Analyst
Employer: Architectural Engineering Consultancy Associates, No76-1/1,Jawatta Road,Colombo05. T.P 011-2503317.
Period: January, 2003 to March 2003.
Project: Feasibility Study of Storm Water Drainage Project at Dambulla. (ADB funded Project)
Position: Economist/Statistical Analyst
Employer: Architectural Engineering Consultancy Associates, No76-1/1,Jawatta Road,Colombo05. T.P 011-2503317
Period: August, 2002 to December 2002.
Project: Feasibility Study of Storm Water Drainage Project at Ambalangoda. (ADB funded Project)
Position: Economist/Statistical Analyst
Employer: Architectural Engineering Consultancy Associates, No76-1/1,Jawatta Road, Colombo 05. T.P-011-2503317
Period: May, 2002 to July 2003.
Project: Feasibility Study of Storm Water Drainage Project at Balangoda. (ADB funded Project)
Position: Economist/Statistical Analyst
Employer: Architectural Engineering Consultancy Associates, No76-1/1,Jawatta Road,Colombo05. T.P-011-2503317
Period: November, 2001 to December 2001.
Project In–depth Post Project Evaluation of drinking water supply Facilities in Minipe and Nagadeepa.
Position: Team Leader (Socio-Economic survey)
Employer: Infotechs (IDEAS),Pvt Limited,23/1,Jaya Road,Colombo4.
Period: February, 1999 to May 1999.
Project: The Study for the potential Realization of irrigated agriculture in the Dry and Intermediate Zone in Sri Lanka.(JAICA Project)
Position: Team Leader/Statistical Analyst (PRA Socio-Economic survey)
Employer: Infotechs (IDEAS),Pvt Limited,23/1,Jaya Road,Colombo4.
Period: January, 1999 to April, 1999.
Project: Sri Lanka Skilled development project.(ADB Project)
Position: Team Leader/Statistical Analyst (PRA Socio-Economic survey)
Employer: Infotechs (IDEAS),Pvt Limited,23/1,Jaya Road,Colombo4.
Period: August, 1998 to November,1998.
Project: Huruluwewa Development Project
Position: Team Leader/Statistical Analyst (Socio-Economic Survey)
Employer: Nippon Koei Co.Ltd, Associated with Mahaweli Development project
Period: January, 1998 to July, 1998.
Project: Promoting Multifunctional Household and Environmental Project. (PMHE/Netherland Project, Associated with Mahaweli Authority.)
Position: Team Leader/Statistical Analyst (Base line Socio-Economic Study in Mahaweli System C.)
Employer: Mahaweli Authority of Sri Lanka.
Period: August, 1997 to November, 1998.
Project: Revised Project Proposal for Moragahakanda Development project.
Position: Economist/Statistical Analyst
Employer: Mahaweli Authority of Sri Lanka, T.B Jayah Mawatha, Colombo10.
Period: March, 1997 to July,1998.
Project: Moragahakanda Project.
Position: Team Leader/Statistical Analyst (Socio-Economic Survey).
Employer: Mahaweli Authority of Sri Lanka, T.B Jayah Mawatha, Colombo10.
Period: August 1995 to December 1995.
Project: Mahaweli Agricultural and Rural Development Project (MARD)
Position: Team Leader/Statistical Analyst (Training Impact Assessment Study in SystemB).
Employer: Mahaweli Authority of Sri Lanka, T.B Jayah Mawatha, Colombo10
Period: January 1995 to April 1995.
Project: Mahaweli Consolidated Project (World Bank Project.)
Position: Team Member (Training Impact Assessment Study in SystemB).
Employer: World Bank, Associated with Mahaweli Authority of Sri Lanka .
Period: August 1994 to October 1995.
Project: Mahaweli Agricultural and Rural Development Project (MARD)
Position: Team Leader/Statistical Analyst (MARD Terminal Socio-Economic Survey in System
Employer: Mahaweli Agricultural and Rural Development Project.
Period: February 1994 to April 1995.
Project: Revised Project appraisal of the Mahaweli System B.
Position: Research assistant ( MARD Terminal Socio-Economic Survey in System B.)).
Employer: Mahaweli Authority of Sri Lanka, T.B Jayah Mawatha, Colombo10.
Period: August 1993 to December 1993.
Project: Mahaweli Agricultural and Rural Development Project (MARD)
Position: Statistical Analyst ( MARD Base line Socio-Economic Survey in System B.)).
Employer: Mahaweli Authority of Sri Lanka, T.B Jayah Mawatha, Colombo10.
Period: May 1993 to July 1993.
Project: Udawalawa Left Bank Development Study
Position: Team Leader ( Udawalawa Base line Socio-Economic Survey.).
Employer: Mahaweli Authority of Sri Lanka, T.B Jayah Mawatha, Colombo10.
Period: August 1992 to December 1992.
Project: System L Development Project
Position: Statistical Analyst (Base line Socio-Economic Survey in Mahaweli System L.).
Employer Mahaweli Authority of Sri Lanka, T.B Jayah Mawatha, Colombo10
Period: January 1992 to April 1992.
Project: The study on Correlation between the Degree of Commercialization of the farmers and the participation in Official Credit Schemes.
Position: Team Member (Saving and credit Survey.).
Employer Mahaweli Authority of Sri Lanka, T.B Jayah Mawatha, Colombo10
Period: March 1991 to January 1992.
Project: A Study of future Direction for crop Diversification for Sri Lanka..
Position: Research Assistant/Statistical Analyst
Employer Mahaweli Authority of Sri Lanka, T.B Jayah Mawatha, Colombo10